Transition-To-Practice Retreat

Enjoy a free weekend to connect with fellow residents and get the tools you need for the next step of your career

Together, we’re shaping the future of medicine in Arkansas.

The Arkansas Academy of Family Physicians champions the heart of healthcare: family medicine. Serving physicians, residents, and students across the state, we drive excellence through advocacy, education, leadership, and innovation.

SB264: Ensuring Primary Care Sustainability

Learn about the bill and find out how you can get involved in this important legislation for Arkansas communities!

Our mission is to support and advance the specialty of Family Medicine to improve the health and well-being of all Arkansans.

News & Publications

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CME & Events

Access CME Programs and learn about upcoming events.


Learn more about the value of a membership with AAFP.


The Arkansas AFP is the trusted advocate for issues that affect family physicians and their patients. The Arkansas AFP participates in various state committees, task forces, boards, and committees relevant to health care issues in our state. We are proud to serve as the unified voice for you!